Engineer Boots
[Engineer Boots] A price is 200L
Color>BrownLeather, BlackLeather
Set=R-Leg, R-Foot, L-Leg, L-Foot
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Neko Ashi UPGrade
Neko Ashi UPGrade
Because a tiptoe of shoes was torn,
as for me, you know that it is a cat X)
[ Neko Ashi UP Grade] A price is 100L(5 color set 300L)Color
>BrownLeather(White, Black, Brown, Buchi, Gray)
>BlackLeather(White, Black, Brown, Buchi, Gray),
This is cat foot to UPGRADE an Elec's EngineerBoots for Nekos.
This is NOT Boots set. This is right cat foot ONLY. Please take care.
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I made boots of the second. I prepared a part for Neko this time.
I think this to be some high prices.
I am below in a skill. However, too many people wore My first Neko Boots. (I Thank you!)
But I do not like that the same things overflow very much.
Therefore it is made this price. sorry... :3
---------------------For Japanese--------------------------
のアップグレードとして出しています.購入の際には気をつけてください :)